Born with this big bundle, bursting and chattering, scattering love like dropped petals from wildflowers, carelessly and carefully.
"Look what I picked for you, Mommy!"
From my hot and sweaty hand she takes them, but later I find them withered on the sand.
But still I am alive with love. Its pulsing, sensate, radiance. Never sure it’s wanted, wasted, welcome.
She tells me my love’s too big to sit on her lap without breaking her knees; her arms won’t reach ‘round it.
My love in me is flowing. You squeeze my shoulder and I turn to see your eyes, so dark, so glowing, your smile, knowing.
I love you, and it settles, smoulders like a smokey fume. I love you and it flares; my kindling charred and crackling, consumed in moments.
I love you, and I’m lost in it. Inside me, outside me, flowing like a lifeline.
Hang on. I pull you out from drowning. I warm you up and set you breathing.
I love you in. I love you out. Teeth chattering.