Yesterday I pondered: Why is gluttony considered a sin? Or, why would God, if there is such a being, care whether I overeate? In other words, is it not God’s will for me to enjoy the edible abundance and bounty in my world? And if not, why not?
It didn’t take long for Mr Google to inform me that abusing the temple (my body) which houses my spirit is rather wilful of me. If my task on Earth is to fulfill my soul’s purpose it’s hardly a good idea to court the health risks associated with chubbiness. Being unhealthy makes me unprepared for whatever the Universe holds for me today. Okay, I get that, it’s better to be healthy in case God calls on me. But there’s more.
It turns out gluttony includes being fussy, decadent, and ungrateful. Gluttony means taking more than my share, and eating carelessly and mindlessly. It means adoring food, and it means obsessing about weight gain or weight loss, distracting me from my soul’s purpose. Uh oh.
So, I asked myself, how could I eat differently to signal to the Universe that I am willing to have gluttony removed from me? Answer: In addition to making simple, nutritious, and smaller food choices, I could pray. People have been saying Grace or a blessing over food since the invention of the God switch. My grandparents held hands and blessed every meal they ate. I could easily add this simple gesture to my life, or so I thought.
Today, I went to a restaurant for lunch with my kids. As we waited in line for a table, I remembered that I intended to say Grace over my food. No one needed to know. I could do it as soon as I sat down so I wouldn’t forget, but my mind said, No, wait until the food is in front of you.
I ordered sensibly, even though I was hungry and my stomach cried out for french-fries and chocolate chip pancakes. I requested no home-fries with my omelette, and asked for the salad dressing on the side. But when my meal came, there was a mound of home-fries crowding the omelette, there was pink stuff on the salad, and a piece of cantaloupe garnished the plate, ew. I said nothing but when the server left the table, I muttered under my breath, “Thanks for paying attention, Girly.”
I was not grateful for the food before me. I forgot about saying Grace. I felt self-righteously annoyed. I ate the salad and the grilled tomato; I ate the piece of pineapple which travelled over a thousand miles to reach my gullet; and I ate the delicious omelette without a thought for the lobster that gave up its life for it. The only thought in my head was whether the drizzle of raspberry vinaigrette was worth more than one Weight Watchers point.
My gluttony only occurred to me after lunch. On a full stomach, I became aware of my lack of gratitude and humility, my absolute unconsciousness when presented with the unexpected. God, forgive me. And thank you. At least I noticed, eventually.
Illustration “The Fat Women” by Igor Grabar, 1904